For exclusive products - delivery of orders over 900 GEL is free throughout Tbilisi

general provisions


Welcome to our website - These general provisions determine the rules of access and use of the website. Each form of use of the website, including the purchase of products, requires as a prerequisite that you are familiar with these rules and agree to them. The management and support of the website is provided by "Iway" LLC, which is registered and operates in accordance with the legislation of Georgia, legal address - Agladze #32, Tbilisi, Georgia, company registration number and tax code 402065493.

For other types of legal information, you can consult the following sections of the website: Privacy Policy, which are an integral part of these general provisions. These Terms or their parts may be subject to certain amendments or updates by Ivey. Each change and correction will be posted on the website and will become binding from the moment of public publication. After that, each form of using the website, including the purchase of products, requires you to familiarize yourself with the effective changes and express your consent to them. Please do not use the website if you do not agree in whole or in part with Iway's general provisions.

Each form of access to the website, including displaying the website on the screen, contacting the company, getting information about the products and making purchases must serve the purposes of the user's exclusive personal use and should not be related to his trade, business or professional activities. We remind you that you will be responsible for any illegal use of the website. Without prejudice to its liability for intent or gross negligence, Ivey shall not be liable for any unlawful actions taken by its users.

Among other things, you will be liable if the contact information and data you use is incorrect or false, or relates to third parties without their consent (if you have not given such third parties consent), as well as in case of misuse of such information.

Privacy Policy

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with it Privacy Policy, which is used even when users have access to the website, use the relevant services, but do not buy products. Privacy Terms Familiarization will help you better understand how and for what purposes the website collects and uses your personal data.

intellectual property

Each section of the Website, such as activities, images, photographs, documents, drawings, figures, logos, menus, pages, graphics, colors, designs, tools, fonts, drawings, charts, rules, procedures, functions and software (collectively "Content"), is owned by Ivey and is protected by domestic and international copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may not publish, distribute, copy, modify or otherwise exploit the above intellectual property without the prior written consent of Ivey, as the case may be.

Only Ivey has the exclusive right, at its discretion, to permit or prohibit the publication, distribution, copying, conversion or other exploitation of the main and other pages of the website and their contents in whole or in part. Namu has the right to claim the authorship of the content of the website at any time and to dispute any use, distortion or other changes of this content.

Any publication, copying, conversion or other exploitation of the authorized content of the Namu website may only be done for lawful purposes and in accordance with the law.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain electronic addresses of other websites that are not related to or "Iway" LLC. Iway does not control such websites or the content of their pages. Namu is not responsible for the content of such websites and the rules established by them regarding the protection of your personal data and does not limit the processing of your personal data while visiting the website. Please pay attention when you visit these websites through the e-mail addresses posted on and carefully read their rules on website use and personal data protection. These general provisions do not apply to other websites. The electronic addresses of other websites are placed on Iway's website only for the purpose of helping the user to search the Internet. The posting of these addresses does not imply that Iway recommends the user to visit them or guarantees their services and products for sale.

Content disclaimer

Iway does not guarantee that the content of the website complies with the laws of other countries. Please do not use the website in countries where the content of the website is considered illegal. Otherwise, the use of any services on the Iway website will be exclusively at your own risk. Unless otherwise provided by law, except for liability in tort and gross negligence, Ivey cannot be held responsible for the reliability and completeness of the content of the website.

Iway does not guarantee that the Website will work continuously, without interruptions or errors due to Internet connection. We have adopted appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect website services, electronic communications and data integrity, prevent illegal use of data and reduce the risk of dissemination, loss and destruction of data and confidential/non-confidential information from website users.

Applicable law

These general provisions are regulated by the legislation of Georgia.

Terms and conditions of purchase


The purchase terms and conditions below (together with the documents below and other essential terms of the general provisions) govern the offer and sale of products on the website. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before ordering any products. You should understand that by ordering our products you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. The products posted on are sold by "Iway" LLC, which is registered and operates in accordance with the laws of Georgia, physical address - Georgia, Tbilisi, Agladze #32, company registration number and tax code 402065493.

For additional information, you can contact us at the email address: If you need any help to purchase products from the website, you can go to the account section, where you will find information about orders, shipping of goods, refunds, returns of products purchased on the website and registration form, tips and other general information about Namu services.

For other legal information on, see the following section: Privacy Policy.

  1. Scope of the Agreement
    1.  At, iway offers products for sale and makes e-commerce services available to customers. The term "User" refers to a person acting for non-commercial, non-commercial and non-professional purposes.
    2. Iway reserves the right not to consider orders that are submitted by persons other than the customer, or that do not comply with the scope of this agreement.
    3. These terms and conditions of purchase govern the offer, transmission and acceptance of orders between Namu and website users in connection with orders placed on
    4. These terms and conditions of purchase do not regulate the service and sales of websites whose e-mail addresses, banners or advertising texts are placed on Before using the services of these websites and making an order, we recommend you to check their terms and conditions, because iway will not be held responsible for the services provided by these websites or for the electronic transactions between these websites and users of
  2. Performance of the contract
    1. In order to place one or more orders on, you must complete the electronic order form and send it to iway, following the relevant instructions.
    2. The electronic order form includes these terms and conditions of purchase, information about the main characteristics of each product, the price of the unit product (including all applicable taxes), the form and method of payment, the terms of transportation, the costs of transportation and delivery of the product, and the rules for returning the purchased product.
    3. Before submitting the order form, you are requested to carefully read these terms and conditions of purchase again and correct any errors (if any).
    4. Namu will consider your order if your order form is considered properly submitted, in particular, if it is submitted in electronic form, and the information contained in it is evaluated as valid as a result of verification.
    5. Your order will be registered in our database within the period required by law to process the order.
    6. Ivey may not process your order when sufficient assurance of solvency is not provided, when your order form is incomplete or defective, or when the product you ordered is no longer available for sale. In all of the above cases, Namu will notify you by e-mail of the non-fulfillment of the contract and the non-fulfillment of your order by Ivey, with proper justification. If the product you ordered is no longer available by the time your order is received, Ivey will notify you within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving your order. If you pay for a product at the same time you submit an order form, Iway will refund the amount paid if the product is unavailable.
    7. By submitting the order form and concluding the contract with iway, you clearly and unconditionally accept and fulfill your obligation to comply with these terms and conditions of purchase, as well as other rules presented on, including other integral parts of these terms and conditions. If you do not fully or partially agree with these guidelines and documents, please do not submit the product order form on
    8. The language of execution of the contract with Ivey is Georgian.
  3. Warranties and Product Charges
    1. does not sell second-hand, defective or non-standard, low-quality products.
    2. On, the main product features are presented on the corresponding page of each product. The products offered on may not fully correspond to the real ones depending on the photo and colors shown in the conditions of the Internet browser and monitor.
    3. Product prices are subject to change, therefore, from time to time, a new price may be set for each product, although this does not include those cases when the product price change is due to an obvious defect. Before submitting the order form, we recommend that you check the final price of the product.
    4. The order will be automatically canceled when it is carried out from a city other than the one indicated in the order for transportation, or when iway cannot provide transportation to the city indicated.
  4. pay
    1. Payment for the product and applicable shipping and handling charges must be made using one of the procedures listed on the product order form.
    2. In case of payment by credit/debit card, iway provides payment security check. Iway will not use your financial information (credit card number, expiration date, etc.) except to perform the actions necessary to fulfill the order, in the event of a refund or in the event of a fraud report to the police. Product fees and applicable shipping and handling charges, as noted on the order form, will be charged to your current bank account upon order confirmation.
  5. Product transportation and delivery
    Ivey Courier transports Namu products throughout Tbilisi. Products are transported throughout Georgia through various postal services.
  6. Returning a damaged, defective or incorrect product
    1. If you are returning a product you purchased due to an error, product defect or damage on our part, we will reimburse you for the cost of returning such product.
    2. Incorrect, defective or damaged product must be notified to Ivey on the same day of receipt. You are required to return the purchased product in the same condition as it was received. You are also responsible for taking proper care of the product while it is in your possession. If you breach this obligation, we will be entitled to claim compensation.
    3. Ivey will inspect all products returned for defects or damage and will notify you of a refund via email within a reasonable period of time. Within 7 days of this notification, Iway will process the refund for you as quickly as possible. Refunds will be made in full, including shipping costs you paid for the product and any costs incurred to return the product. If Namu determines that the returned product is not defective, you will be notified that the product will not be accepted and you may choose to send it back. If you refuse to send it back, Namu has the right to keep the product and the fees paid and thereby recover the costs incurred from you.
    4. If the recipient specified in the product order form and the person paying for the product are different persons, the amount payable in case of returning the product will be given to the person making the payment.
    5. Usually, Iway will refund you in the same way you made the payment. Namu will not be responsible for any delay in this process that is beyond its control, including delays caused by the payment method and refund policies of credit/debit companies.
  7. Protection of personal data
    Privacy Policy In the section you will learn about how Namu processes your personal data.
  8. Applicable law
    These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Georgia.
  9. Making changes and additions
    These terms and conditions of purchase may be updated from time to time based on new legal regulations or other necessary reasons. The new terms and conditions will be effective from the moment of public publication on
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